Business Cards, Letterhead, and Envelopes
The College's contractor for printing business cards, letterhead, and envelopes is Dupli.
Departments may place orders for these items directly through DupliOnline using a procurement card as the method of payment. Please contact Procurement Services at ext. 5100 for the account code, user name, and password to access DupliOnline.
When ordering, please be sure to include the following in the "ship to" address: name of individual ordering (or order recipient, if different); department name; building and room number; and the word "Visa." Doing so will ensure the College's Central Receiving staff are able to easily identify the package as a P-card order and deliver to the correct location. Please see the sample "ship to" address format provided below.
Sample "Ship To" Address Format
Name of Individual Ordering - VISA
Department Name
Building and Room
1 College Circle
Geneseo, NY 14454
Creating New Artwork for Non-Standard Items
On occasion, a department may need to order business cards, letterhead, or envelopes that do not fit the standard templates provided to Dupli. Orders for these items will require the creation of new original artwork before they may be placed. For items requiring new artwork, departments should complete and submit a Job Request Form to the College Communications & Marketing Department. If you need to speak with someone in College Communications & Marketing, please call ext. 5516.
Once the department has the new artwork, they should email it to Cindy Cole in Procurement Services at, along with the quantity to be ordered and source of funding.