Research Interests
developmental intergroup processes
- effects of political violence on youth development
- intergroup bystander behaviors
- peace psychology
- longitudinal methods
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Developmental Psychology, University of Notre Dame, 2009
M.A., Developmental Psychology, University of Notre Dame, 2007
B.S., Human Development, Cornell University, 2002
Recent Courses Taught
Child Development
Advanced Research Methods: Peace Psychology
Applied Multivariate Statistics
Youth and Armed Conflict
Selected Publications
Merrilees, C. E., Lee, Y. (in press). The role of emotional security, narrative, and resilience for youth and families in contexts of armed conflict. Family Court Review.
Merrilees, C. E., Katz, J., DuBois, N., & Grant, C. (2018). White female bystanders' to a Black woman at risk for sexual assault: Positive effects of intergroup contact. Violence and VIctims, 33 (4), 739-754.
Merrilees, C. E., Taylor, L. K., Baird, C., Goeke-Morey, M. C. Shirlow, P., & Cummings, E. M. (2018). Neighborhood effects of intergroup contact on change in youth intergroup bias. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47(1) 77-87.
Merrilees, C. E., Taylor, L. K., Goeke-Morey, M. C. Shirlow, P., & Cummings, E. M. (2014). The protective role of group identity. Sectarian antisocial behavior and behavior problems. Child Development, 85(2), 412-420.
Merrilees, C. E., Cairns, E., Taylor, L. K., Goeke‐Morey, M. C., Shirlow, P., & Cummings, E. M. (2013). Social identity and youth aggressive and delinquent behaviors in a context of political violence. Political Psychology, 34(5), 695-711.
PSYC 390: Top:Dialogue Facilitation Trng
An in-depth study of a selected topic in psychology, chosen to allow an integrated consideration of the topic from the points of view of various approaches to psychological inquiry. Examples may include: The Nature-Nurture Question; Approaches to Understanding Aggression; Great Ideas in Psychology; or other topics.
PSYC 452: Topic: Peace Psychology
A selected-topic seminar that integrates, at an advanced level, a particular content area with its appropriate literature, research methods, and statistics. In the course of study of the selected issue, students review literature, design research, collect data, analyze and interpret results, and produce both oral and written reports.
XLRN 350: Dialogue Facilitation Training
The goals of this course are to develop student's knowledge and skills as potential facilitators of intergroup dialogues, DICE workshops, and other critical conversations. As such, the course builds upon, but does not replicate, the principles and content of intergroup dialogues themselves. The course will focus on helping students develop a grounded understanding of intergroup dialogue and dialogic processes, increased understanding of social justice principles such as social identity, privilege and oppression, power and conflict, and facilitation skills and competencies. The course also provides students with opportunities to explore the roles of social justice education and advocacy.